
DIY Boxy Pouch

As school is fast approaching, I realize that while in rez, my living space will be pretty small and furniture-less. I need a place to keep my small trinkets and such to keep my room neat and clean.

I decided to make a boxy pouch. It is very convenient because you can use it as a make up bag, jewelery bag. I wanted to make a couple, but I only have time to make two for now. I still have to finish the things on my list.

I didn't use one specific tutorial for this, but I have seen these tutorials before, but I didn't really like most of them, because they ended up cutting the corners off. I did like on particular tutorial, I think she did a great job. Projects by Jane has a few tutorials on boxy pouches, and I liked this one the best. Please check out her blog, she has made some really nice projects and I love her tutorials.

Here are the images:

I made two, one for myself and one for my best friend, Ki-Chan.

It's probably because it's night right now, the pictures didn't turn out very nicely.


DIY Kitty Pencil case

Wow, summer is almost over, but surprisingly I didn't actually make anything this summer. I've been so busy babysitting my brother. He's so troublesome and naughty.
Anyways, my to-do list is pretty long. Unfortunately, I won't be able to finish everything. So, I might have to put it off until next summer. I'm not bring any of my crafting stuff to rez, because then I would have to bring a lot of stuff. My room will be very small if i bring too much stuff, so i decided to leave it all at home.

I didn't actually make this pencil case this summer, I made it during the end of January. At the time, I wanted a bigger pencil case so I can fit my calculator in it. I actually lost my calculator right after I finished my second last exam of the term, my last exam was actually a math exam. So that whole thing was pretty messy. I thought it would be better if my pencil case was bigger. I did cut the fabric bigger than the original pattern, however it was still too small for my calculator. I messed it up during the winter, and never finished it. So a couple days ago, I decided to take it apart and redo it.

My final product, I absolutely love it.

The front: